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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

how to get a girlfriend

If you’re confused and wondering how to get a girlfriend in the modern world, then today might be your lucky day!
Read on to discover proven advice on getting a girlfriend!
After breaking up with my girlfriend of four years, I had absolutely no idea how to get a girlfriend again.
Throughout the 16 months that I was single, I tried wearing better clothes, spraying on great aftershaves and anything else to ensure I looked my best.
Although I got a few more 'looks' from women, none of it got me what I wanted.
Then one day, I stopped and realised that the majority of guys who had a girlfriend were just average-looking guys.
an average-looking guy myself, I wondered how on Earth they managed to attract and keep the beautiful women that they were with.
I began to ask myself questions like, "What am I doing wrong?" or worse, "Do women just not like me?"
Despite doing well with my management career and dressing stylishly when I went out, I could not get a new girlfriend to save my life.
That sucked, big time!
So, after learning how to create a dating lifestyle that most guys will only ever dream of, I made it my mission to let other guys in on the secret.
Here are some crucial pieces of advice to get you started…
Step One
Decide to get this area of your life handled, so meeting and attracting a new girlfriend becomes as easy as making toast in the morning. I know it may currently seem a little challenging or even scary, but I promise you that it soon become very easy.
Step Two
Realise that if you don’t change the way you’re currently going about getting a girlfriend, then the world probably won’t drop a gorgeous woman in your lap. As the old saying goes - if you keep doing the same things as you always have, you'll probably keep getting the same results as you always have!
Step Three
Utilize the hard-earned knowledge of actual experts, to accelerate your progress. You might be suprised to know that a lot advice about women and dating is written by guys who can write about it, but not do it in real life. Likewise, most dating sites are mass-made by I.T experts who know how to copy and past articles from other sites.
Step Four
Learn how to overcome your fears surrounding women, so you can conquer this area of your life. Some common fears:
  • Fear of not knowing what to say when you approach a woman.
  • Fear of being rejected in front of others.
  • Fear that beautiful women don't find you attractive.
Step Five
Build a solid social circle full of quality friends. If you don’t have many friends at present, or if your friends are all in relationships, start joining clubs and after-work classes. You'll find that it's also a very easy way to meet women!
Well, I'll leave it there for now. More free articles can be found there.

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